Sophie’s Reeds are on Their Way

Posted by on June 4, 2010 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Sophie’s Reeds are on Their Way

It wasn’t exactly like through rain, sleet, snow and gloom of night, but I am patting myself on the back a bit for walking to the post office on our first 100 degree day, standing in a line with more than a dozen people and only one clerk at the counter, and putting on a smile when I got there and she had to “check in” new supplies before checking my envelopes for postage.    (Good thing I didn’t just pop them in the mail slot because, as it turns out, they needed more).

In any event, the May Lotto blocks from this whiney baby are on their way to Balinda, Andi and Pat.   I hope you like mine and all the blocks you receive and I can’t wait to see what you do with them.

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