Sophie finally makes her blocks …
Here are four blocks that I made last night. My fabric is still packed and I found the box of solid kona cotton (and not any black), so these have a dark green background (which is OK according to the guidelines).
I thought that Hoffman Challenge fabric from a few years ago (lower right) makes pretty good fireworks.
My four blocks bring the total to 224 … which is only three away from the number needed for 5 winners. I think I’m going to have some breakfast and make a few more blocks before the deadline.
Love that Hoffman Challenge fabric! This was a great block.
Sophie, I emailed you my block pics last night-four blocks. I have not been able to get onto blogger to upload them myself, so you don't need to sew any more
If you haven't received the email it may be in your spam folder-your email doesn't like me…lol
Aww, I was excited about getting us to the five winner mark :). I concede the honor to Linda!
There are 2 Lindas now (great name!) So Linda Big D still just has 2 and the other Linda has 4.
Well that is assuming I can get the blocks recorded into the lotto…I have had the darnedest time getting this going
The Other Linda
We not only have 2 Linda's this month, we have 2 Debbie's and 2 Julie's and Maree, Marie, Mary and Mary Jane. Yes, Pat is really going to have to pay close attention when she's matching up random numbers with names on the list.