Kate – Inspired by Violets!
I loved this block when making it for the lotto, so I’ve chosen to do it again (and again) in a variety of sizes for a quilt I need to make as a gift. The largest block is 12″ (how convenient was it that Sophie did a wide variety of sizes in her instructions!), working down through 9, 8, 6, 4 and yes – even 3″ (for which I admit, I hard to figure the sizes out myself) inch blocks. Verdict – the 3″ blocks are kinda fiddly & I don’t really recommend them, though they are certainly do-able. The centres in particular are hard to match without losing some precision. On the whole, though, I’m really pleased with the way this works and may even do the variegated size blocks in another piece someday…
Adorable! I love the green background too! Thanks for posting. That gives me ideas too. I'd like to learn how to do variegated sized blocks.
Kathy, I planned the sizes out in a grid beforehand – luckily, this is a block which can easily be made in lots of sizes which work with that magical number, 12…
It really is a beauty, I like your greens, and flower colors, too! Great Job!
Wow, gorgeous!
It really came out great, Kate.
I've been wanting to do something like this since I wrote the block pattern directions and worked out the measurements for different size … but I haven't even managed to make blocks for the lotto this month. I know I'm sure a whiner, but I think moving gets harder the older we get …
I am so impressed!
That is really cool!!
It looks like a field of flowers. Just lovely. Kathie L in Allentown
That's lovely! The mixed sizes & colors work wonderfully together.
Wonderful job! It's lovely.