Last year’s string hearts

Posted by on January 28, 2012 in show and tell | 3 comments

While I did not win last year, I did at least have my 2 bonus hearts… they sat and sat, until this year, when I decided to make two more string hearts and their bonus hearts. Then, I laid them out, played with scrap pieces of black, and came up with this!

Which then sat on my ironing board for another 2 weeks until I finally quilted it last night- nothing fancy, just in the ditch around the hearts (well, mostly- I had taken my contacts out!). It now hangs in our kitchen. I have small wallhangings for almost the whole year now!


  1. It looks great! I love the hearts against the black background.

  2. I have a space in my kitchen (that is viewable from the living room because of the open nature of my apartment) that would be perfect for a smaller wall hanging. Maybe I should pull out my bonus blocks and get busy. Yours really look great–mixing up the larger and smaller blocks worked really well.

  3. This is so cute. I love the different sizes

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