1. I recognized it in the tease on your blog and couldn’t wait to see the whole thing. Thanks for sharing it with us here. I love it from the blocks, to the sashing and quilting … down to the orange binding.

  2. Love it, so bright and scrappy!

    • And yet, when we made those blocks, I was a little afraid that making GRAY a requirement could result in dull, muddy blocks. I definitely learned something about putting fabrics together that month.

  3. Your choice of orange and blue to set the blocks looks wonderful. The result is great.

  4. It looks great! The orange binding was a brilliant choice!

  5. Orange and blue is one of my absolute favorites! Wonderful job!

  6. What a great job, it is a fantastic finish. I really like your color choices for sashing and binding. I can see why you love it!

  7. I love it, too! Very cheerful looking.

  8. Fabulous!

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