An old lotto block, revisited
I completely fell in love with the March 2011 block. I even made a pile for the lotto, despite not being the world’s biggest red & white quilt fan. But I really saw it as a vehicle for won’t-work-anyhere-else fabrics such as my favorite french country chickens. Anyhow, the quilt is made & I thought maybe the other lotto-ites would like to see….? It is also my entry in the current Blogger’s Quilt Festival
An excellent use of your chickens and I love the bright colors and scrappy-ness of it.
I think this is great! I’m so happy you shared it with us!
This is so pretty. I love the scrappy-ness too!!
I love the combination of the French country chicken fabrics with colorful scraps! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Ps. FYI, I edited your post to set the featured image so it would expand to fill the slider on the home page. I also added the block name, D4P as a tag.
yes thank you! I have been calling this 8:56 (4 to 9) for so long I could not remember what the BL name.
This really is a lovely quilt. Thank you for sharing!