Congratulations to the October winners!
I know it’s only just barely 12 noon EST but as we will soon be inundated (perhaps) with trick-or-treaters, I thought I best get to this now. (Actually, hang on, you guys haven’t changed your clocks yet, so it might be 1pm East Coast! Forgot about that…)
So, the three winners are…
no 91: Nann, who wins a set of 48 blocks
no 60: Kathy S, who also wins a set of 48 blocks
and no 18: Debra, who wins a set of the 37 remaining blocks.
Winners, congratulations, and expect to receive an email from me shortly asking you to confirm your mailing address and how many blocks of your own you’d like to keep. As none of the three winners is on the East Coast, hopefully they will all have power and be able to see their congratulatory message!
Thanks, Kate! I’m so excited. I returned your e-mail. Yes, my mailing address is correct. I would like to keep all of the blocks that I made. I’m not sure that my e-mail went through. We are experiencing power outages and phone problems here in Ohio due to Hurricane Sandy. Yes, our schools had a “hurricane” day instead of a snow day here in the midwest yesterday. Go figure. But I’m excited to win. Thank you, thank you, thank you everybody!