two birds from Fla.

Posted by on April 1, 2013 in blocks | 6 comments

I made these 2 & had an AWFUL time getting a picture of just them, w/out my lovely assistant. He is very good about not stepping on blocks or bumping them, etc. but the minute he sees a camera he plonks his big cranium in the middle of the shot!  Finally, I just gave up.

block lotto 2013 APR-1&2


  1. He’s a handsome one. Has almost human eyes 🙂

  2. I think your picture is perfect!

  3. I do too 🙂

  4. Love that guy! My bassets love the camera too!


  5. What a great face on your “assistant.” He’s a cutie … I like your blocks, too 😉

  6. He knows hes a bird dog…

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