chevrons sent, finally

Posted by on February 22, 2014 in sent and received | 1 comment

I have Chevrons all tucked away in their envelopes and I’m on the way to the post office to mail to Marie and Shelley. Gorgeous day here in Dallas – clear and sunny, probably in the 70s! After lunch, headed to a choir practice for Mendelssohn’s Elijah. Sorry these are so late – I hosted a book group and had to hide all my quilt clutter and it took me awhile to find where I had hidden them! Hoping to get back to making a bead or two as well – they are cut out!

This is also a test of the spam blocker; no problems so far!


1 Comment

  1. Hurray on both counts. I can cross your blocks off the list of missing chevrons and maybe go for a hike this afternoon (it’s 50 here on it’s way to 63 and so sunny.)

    Thanks for testing the spam registration blocker plug in. It seems they really did fix it.

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