Oh my Goodness! Iam so excited!!! WOW!

Posted by on March 31, 2014 in block lotto community | 4 comments

I am so Happy! I just won the  Block Lotto and March’s block was a real learning experience for me! Oh Wow! Next month I will be receiving 13 beautiful  quilt blocks called ‘Chained Star’. I am keeping my own blocks for a total of 17 Blocks …and I made 2 blocks extra to keep because I liked them that much! …almost a full quilt YAY! I am grateful for Jean Sophie Wood… for all her creativity and  hard work in setting up the Block Lotto site, managing it  and offering everyone her expertise and monthly challenges!  I wish you all, the Joy and energy I am feeling right now…Thank you so very much!


  1. Congrats!

  2. Congrats Livn!! and I won too!!! Amazing!! I’m just floored!!!! We are the lucky one today!! Enjoy your blocks, I know I will!!! Mariella

  3. Deena thank you ! I have enjoyed every nano second learning to make all the blocks and some have been a real challenge for me! Like the Quarter Square Triangle…I did not realize that I would need to line up the diagonal lines and trim all around…I just put the little suckers on the mat and rulered them up to the right size and cut, you can imagine my puzzlement when every point was a different size and shape on the finished square…what a mess everything about the star was wonky! I wrote to Sophie and she kindly tipped me off about my mistake and how to correct it. LOL…I am grateful for that! Deena I am wishing you a day of chuckles and smiles !

  4. Thank You Mariella…and what a delightful name! I am so glad you got in on time regarding your win…I was imagining you sharing your good news with the other quilters in your family and just how much pleasure you would feel. Please keep in touch Mariella ..I wish you nimble fingers and a smooth running sewing machine

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