2 sunrise blocks from Kim: Never say Never
Just in May I was visiting my Mom’s sewing group and she was finishing up some NY Beauty quilt blocks. Her friend asked if I quilted like my Mom and I said, “I would NEVER do a bunch of complicated pieced blocks like that. So I also groaned when I saw this month’s blocks.
But, after the first one (which I did for the MMQA) they were much easier than I anticipated thanks to Sophie’s helpful instructions and links–although I confess that doing ten for MMQA might tax my patience. I’m preparing for a conference and then a short term move, so these will be my only blocks this month.
I confess I groaned a little, too, at the prospect of making the blocks for my mod-mod sampler … But I do believe the suns will add some sparkle to our samplers. (And you can always substitute another 14 inch block, or four 7-inch blocks if you just can’t face them).