Turning Windows into Skyscrapers – a Setting Idea
I was catching up with the Block Lotto this morning and one of the quilt designs from Tula Pink’s City Sampler, 100 Modern Quilt Blocks popped into my head and seems to be a perfect match for this month’s lotto blocks.
Clicking the book image will take you to Amazon. If you like the geometric blocks we are making this year for the Block Lotto, you might want to check out the block patterns in this book.
This is the Skyline quilt from the book. I think a similar layout would be a good one for the Little Windows blocks, turning them into black and white skyscrapers with lots of colorful windows.

Tula Pink’s Skyline Quilt, Quilted by Angela Walters
This 66 by 89 inch quilt is made from seventy 6 inch sampler blocks.
I was thinking the same thing!!
While paging through this book at quilt guild the other night and then going home and doing a google search….I though of the windows too for this kind of setting.
This is a great idea and I can picture how the windows would look reaching up to the sky!
If it were me–and this is probably no surprise to anyone who has been around for a while–I would sort the blocks according to the light/darkness of the black and white frames, then construct my towering skyscrapers from blocks with similar values. The “sky” could be any color.
I was actually thinking about this myself before seeing this. Even if I didn’t win I was thinking of different colored buildings with windows in a skyscraper layout.