Blue and white sampler

Posted by on September 29, 2014 in my sampler | 1 comment

Ginny — your blue and white sampler is just wonderful and I LOVELOVELOVE how it is turning out!  The blue and white coloring is so crisp and caliming yet the designs really stand out but all has good coherency.

I couldn’t “wrap my mind around” what colors to use for the sampler and was doing good to get blocks made for most months to send in and thought about  making a few for myself later on.  I might just make my blocks into a row by row style top.  But your quilt sure is tempting!


1 Comment

  1. I think these blocks could work well in a row quilt or other arrangement, besides the one I am sharing … I can’t wait to see the quilts made from this year’s blocks. (and, of course, I have a few in my head that I’d like to make myself 😉

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