Another Redwork and Double 9-Patch Quilt

Posted by on February 23, 2015 in show and tell | 8 comments

I mentioned last month that I was also thinking of using January’s Double 9-Patch block in combination with some (very old) redwork squares … and this is the result.


This quilt is 51 inches square. Both the redwork squares and the fabrics I had put aside to use with them are more than a decade old and so while the result might not look exactly like “me” … it is a reminder of a time and place and the quilter that became me.

Here are detail photos of the two types of blocks in the quilt.




  1. What a nice setting for your embroidered blocks, Sophie! (Did you do the quilting, too?)

    • Yes, Nann, my free-motion quilting, too. It’s definitely a case of “done is better than perfect” It was my first attempt at quilting redwork squares … now, I have an idea about how to do it, maybe I can make some progress on a couple of other projects with redwork.

  2. The quilt is quite engaging, Sophie. I’m curious about the “Iron” block because it looks like Miss Kitty is using a mangle. That’s how I iron most of the time. I have an ancient one we bought at a yard sale for $2.00. Had to rehab the motor, but it is wonderful for all sorts of
    things quilterly + I love old embroidered pillow slips and I always have them crisply ironed.

  3. lovely!

  4. It’s very sweet. Sophie, you’re a woman of many hidden talents!

  5. This turned out beautifully! The quilting you did around the embroidery is just the right amount. Often there is not enough and the embroidered blocks seem to hang outward from the quilt. This is a great quilt! Is this going to be the quilt you donate? Being a lover of kitties and since you embroidered all those busy kitties, I think you should keep it!

    • I stitched the rework in the company of my dad during his last year and they have a lot of emotion attached to them, so no, it won’t be donated.

  6. beautiful!

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