Star Chains and Apple Blossoms!

Posted by on May 15, 2015 in show and tell | 10 comments

Well, Dolls and Guy, Finally I am happy with my first big quilt top! This has been a terrific, fun, educational and -frustrating at times experience…I have definitely found a passion that will endure as long as I am able bodied. After setting these beautiful Blocks (Thank You everyone…your Blocks are amazing!) On Point and with red setting blocks and then unpicking it all because it looked like a gaping ,bloody shark mouth…Yes really…I chose simple setting and I love it now. (For a bit I was hating it all…picking out sucks big time!) I have learned quite a lot about how busyness can influence a pattern/Quilt Top…but then you all knew that right? I am getting it …So Sophie, once again I will say Thank You ! Now on to My next adventure into the world of quilting…actually trying to quilt it together! I will also try and get my Orphans and Duds Blocks sorted I have had a lot of time to think about that one while working on this one. Cheers everyone and a great, fun filled weekend to you!

big quilts star cross mystery 004

big quilts star cross mystery 005


  1. It sounds like it was quite a learning experience … the result is beautiful!

    FYI, I moved your post from “blocks” to “Show & tell” so that it is featured on the home page and shows up in the gallery.

    • Hi Sophie, yes it was a great learning experience…I went through the Gallery here many times and I really had to play with the blocks to find a balance I found pleasing …believe me my first attempt was abysmal…!I could have left it like that but, I just thought of all the time the girls must have put into the blocks themselves and I really felt grateful to have won them so felt I needed to do them justice or at least give them my best efforts. I hope everyone who sent me a block knows they did a wonderful job on their chained stars .

  2. I love seeing blocks that I’ve made and sent to a winner show up in an actual quilt. It looks great, and that for showing it to us.

    • Hi Kathie L. I Love your block…it worked in terrifically didn’t it?! I can’t even begin to understand how you matched your pattern on the fabric so perfectly but, someday, I hope to! I just enjoy the playfulness of your quilts….they always make me smile!

  3. I think it looks great! Also, I love your pictures of it. One of the hardest parts is taking decent photos of the finished product. And your yard is beautiful, too!

    • Hi Andrew, You would have snorted if you had seen me trying to hang that quilt in the Apple tree! I was after a nice peaceful country shot to present the quilt top. My Golden Lab”Rosie’ thought ‘Oh, this is great fun’ and she started running round and round the tree ending in knocking my cane right out of my hand! LOL…but, yes, I think when one considers the quality of the light , wind and almost insane best friends one keeps around, it is hard to take a decent photo…I was just plain lucky! Thanks for the comment on the yard…30 years ago keeping up a 3 acres yard seemed like a great idea. …I still enjoy it everyday..But, my house is a disaster! My son Harris has been Mowing the grass every week until I can get back on the mower…I am so grateful for his love.

  4. I absolutely, positively adore your quilt! I love seeing finished blocks together!

    • Hi Julie P. , Thank you for your lovely comment. It is great to hear that! I admire your quilts tremendously and have taken pointers from your past posts/photos. I love seeing the finished blocks together as well! I always click the pics and use the plus button to make it all bigger and find myself playing ‘Where is my Block’ lol…Bet lots of us do that! I can’t wait to see what you will create with your latest win…I know it will be great!

  5. Your quilt is just so beautiful!!! You will be making some amazing quilts if this is any indication of your talents.

    • Hi Peggy M. Thank you for you comment too! It feels good…It kind of balances out the bad feelings I had when I saw how awful my first try was….after lots of thought and picking out and resewing I have to say I am delighted with my quilt top! Peggy, there isn’t a lot of talent here but, the skill level IS developing YAY! Now, on to finishing my Mod Mod (I am thinking more this time…not a fan of ripping out!)

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