Tall Stars Quilt Finished!

Posted by on December 8, 2015 in show and tell | 6 comments

Hi everyone!

I finished my Tall Stars quilt in time for my guild’s October quilt show this year.  Sophie asked me to share the photo with everyone on Block Lotto.  I won these blocks in 2013.

My Lucky Stars

I’m calling the quilt “My Lucky Stars”.  I got the idea for the setting from Julie P.   Thanks, Julie!

You can read more about the quilt and see more photos on my blog post here.

Sharon K.


  1. Love it! All the details you added (flying geese border, stars in sashing) really make those stars shine (pun intended).

    • What a stunning quilt in red. Love it! Like all the details you added.

      • Thanks, Angie!

    • Thank you, Sophie! I had a lot of fun finishing this quilt, and I love it! By the way, I have to give credit to my husband – it was his idea to do the triangles in the border, and I think they really finish the quilt nicely.

  2. So colorful. Love it.

    • Thank you!

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