Dresden Fan

Posted by on October 2, 2016 in blocks | 7 comments

Here are my four blocks for the October Dresden Fan.  I included a ruler on one block to show proper placement to get the blocks the same size and so any winner will be able to place the blocks into a circle and have all the edges match.  The 45 degree line on the ruler should run through the diagonal of the block, between the two center petals. The outside edge petals should just reach the 6 inch mark and the quarter circle should be 3.25 inches on the edges.  Many thanks to fellow block lotto participant Robin, who supplied me with her template and a photo of how she laid the fan on the back ground block.  I began with a 7 inch block and after careful placement and sewed the pieces down, I trimmed the block to 6.50 inches square.  I have five blocks in my sewing room that do not qualify, all of those I attempted to construct without the use of the ruler and Robins template. My advice is to use Robin’s template and the lines on your ruler and you will avoid blocks that don’t turn out correctly.  It’s easy if you use the right tools!



  1. Thank you so much for this! I was just about to post a question regarding size. I may have been overthinking it, but I wondered the size of the center circle if you appliqued it versus piecing it….I thought there would be a difference.

    • As long as you turn under 1/4 inch when you appliqué, there should be no difference …however, if you use Robin’s revised templates, you can mark the curve and then use whatever is your usual turned under amount and it will come out right.

    • Nancy, Robin has two quarter circle templates. One is the larger one for cutting your quarter circle (3.50) and the other is the smaller one (3.25) that I used to press the seam allowance of the larger template. I stitched my petals down by machine and then stitched the quarter circle down by machine. On my flops, I tried to piece the quarter circle to the petals, and that didn’t work well at all. I’d advise appliqueing it down.

      • Look at Robin’s post, she uploaded a revised template that has two quarter circles on it and the corrected petal shape.

        • Thanks, everyone!

  2. Can you tell me please where to find the updated template from Robin because when I click on the Dresden Fan Templates link on this URL (http://www.blocklotto.com/2016/10/dresden-fans-in-october/) the PDF only has 1 quarter circle shape and 2 blades. Please and thanks!

    • Log in to Block Lotto, go to Site Administrator (where you go to upload photos of your blocks) choose “Media” on the left side, click on that and choose Library, when the window opens you will see a folder called Robins adjusted templates. Click on that. Click on “View Attachment Page” (lower right) that will take you to the page with the Block Lotto Banner and Robins attachment. Click on the blue link to Robins Adjusted Templates and that will open the page you can print out the template.
      Sophie may know of an easier way to do this but that’s how I get to it. Maybe she can resend the notice with the adjusted template on it instead of the other one.

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