Ideas for 2017

Posted by on December 15, 2016 in block lotto community | 3 comments

After 3-1/2 years in BL I have begun to see blocks that might be good for the lotto. (Unusual but not overly intricate.)  I’ve sent them along to Sophie for her idea file.   I was able to participate in all but two months this year — I just couldn’t get the pieced leaves to work out and I don’t have easy access to an enlarging photocopier for the chickens. I enjoyed making the blocks for the other ten months.  Ideas for 2017?  I’d love baskets and/or schoolhouses.


  1. I love house quilts. Maybe a house sampler?

  2. I like schoolhouses and baskets, too. I’ve probably started more of those quilts than anything. LOL

  3. We have made a few basket blocks over the years … and I am thinking there will be one in 2017 …

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