A few hearts for the New Year
So, here are four heart blocks from me this month – I won’t say “begin as you mean to go on” this year, as who knows whether I’ll be able to play in the lotto much this year, but I hope to hit at least a few months! I made these this morning alongside some other sewing – using the red scraps as leaders and enders and an excuse to get up and stretch my back when ironing.
Because Sophie asked, I’ll also say that my technique for making my four rectangles (above) wasn’t very thrilling – I just raided my scrap basket, stash of small squares and strip bag for anything vaguely red, then stitched those pieces together until they got to roughly 6 inches wide and whacked them together for length – your basic scrap/crumb building technique. I didn’t aim to get any particular number, but four was how many my scraps came out to, so that’s how many blocks I’ve done.
Happy New Year everyone!
Happy new year, Kate. I love how four blocks look in the arrangement.
Happy New Year Kate and thanks for sharing your “not very thrilling” technique for making fabric.