String Blocks in the mail
My three string blocks were sent off today at the post office to Margaret in Australia, and will take about 7-10 days to travel from South Africa. A bit late, sorry, but how could I send them off without first showing, along with the Heart blocks, to my monthly quilt group! (Sometimes that’s the only sewing I get done!) I normally try to get the previous month’s ones off to the winner BEFORE making or posting about the current month’s ones, AHEAD of our third-week-of-the-month meeting, but Christmas and holidays intervened! Regards, Karen N in Cape Town.
Karen I fear the November rooster/chicken blocks may have perished crossing the Atlantic. They haven’t arrived yet and I know you mailed them on the 20th of December. Perhaps my mentioning this will mean they will show up in today’s mail. If they ever do arrive, I’ll let you know. I made some little chicks so I can use those in place of the missing moms.