Commercial Pattern – BQ By Maple Island Quilts
Honestly everyone, before I selected the block and created the block directions for this month, I LOOKED for a commercial or other pattern for our block after I found it on Pinterest and came up empty–probably because it had been referred to by a different name: I’ve Been Framed.
Tonight, Glen sent me email identifying the commercial pattern based on a larger block (18 inch squares) like ours and asked about permissions.
You can find/buy this pattern on the Maple Island Quilts site, at the top of this page. The associated gallery page has a lot of interesting interpretations.
As I haven’t seen the Maple Island BQ pattern and created the directions for our 9-inch block entirely on my own based on the image from Pinterest that I shared earlier, I don’t believe there is a copyright issue. Had I found this commercial pattern, I would have chosen a different block for us.
Maybe this is proof of how I really need to step away after this month …
Like i said, it with so many blocks out there now and things like pinterst so popular, it seems hard to be orignal. It can be done though. I love this block and have made several quilts from it. It is one of my go to quilts for the manly persuasion.
Thanks, Sophie!
It is VERY similar, but there is something, though it may be in the setting, that seems tilted with that one, and not with yours.
A friend of mine created a pattern for a quilt, taught a class on it (she has a cool way to make star points)…someone who took her class re-sized the pattern and submitted it to a magazine – it was published. Because it had been changed, just a little bit, it was no longer my friend’s pattern and she could do nothing to claim it with the magazine. With your block, the ratio of the colored block is different from the BQ’s block.
Thanks for sharing this information … I would love to see a quilt with that “cool way to make star points.”
Similar but I think the proportion of solid block to frame, as well as the size of the block is different. I think you are in the clear.
It will be interesting to see what this designer says about permission. Even if the designer claims infringement, we are using it for our own private use among friends, we aren’t going to be selling the final product or publish the pattern as our own.