The Orphans Go to Work

Posted by on February 28, 2018 in housekeeping | 3 comments

We made 84 blocks so we will have two winners this month picked from 62 entries (donations excluded). Picking winners was really fun and educational too! I learned how to randomize my list in Excel before I generated the winning numbers of 36 & 58 which belonged to ….


Congratulations ladies, you will each receive 42 blocks. Now I will turn this over to Sophie to supply us with the mailing information.


  1. Congratulations ladies! You should have email from me confirming your mailing address and asking how many of your own blocks you want to keep. When I’ve heard from both of you, I can put together the mailing into sheet for everyone and your winnings will start making their way to you.

    • Hi Sophie, I haven’t received an email for Sebring Feb. Blocks. Can you be sure your list has my newest email? Thanks

      Terry Fischer

  2. What fun! Congratulations on some creative quilting coming to you!

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