July Mailing Info has (FINALLY) been sent

Posted by on August 14, 2018 in block lotto community | Comments Off on July Mailing Info has (FINALLY) been sent

With apologies for the delay, the mailing info was emailed earlier today to everyone on the list of Red Forest blocks made in July. If you made blocks but didn’t get email from me, please let me know ASAP. Ditto if you see any mistakes in your info on the mailing info sheet.

As a gentle reminder to everyone, but especially those named Cathy, Julie, Karen or Linda, when you post be sure to indicate your last initial or where you’re from so that when I’m trying to match a first-name-only in the list to the right person I don’t have to look back through all the posts from the month to try to figure out who gets the blocks or the mailing info.  Thanks.

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