2019 Theme for Blocks (and rules for monthly Block Lotto Leaders)
Based on the survey feedback, here’s my vision for 2019 and the rules for anyone who’d like to create a pattern and be the Block Mom for a month next year.
Blocks will:
- Be 6 inches finished size
As postal rates increase and rules become more restrictive about “squishie” envelopes, this feels like the right size - Have designs which become something more when they are joined into a 4-patch.
This could be something like the pairs of double four-patch lotto blocks in this quilt:Or it could be something like the Big-O blocks we made a few years ago where 4 of the lotto blocks would combine to create the Big O:
Or or it could be a block which has a secondary design element in a straight set.
If you have an idea for a block that fits these guidelines and would like to lead a month of the Block Lotto in 2019, here’s what else you need to know …
The feedback was that things needs to be more regular and predictable and that the leader needs to be more engaged throughout the month. To that end, here are the rules for Block Lotto Leaders.
- On DAY 1 of the month, you must create 2 posts: One with the block choice, pattern and guidelines and one in which you will update the number of blocks made (at least weekly).
I understand that some of you don’t understand the reasons for maintaining a list post … but this year, when the list wasn’t created/updated, there have been more mistakes in the final count. - On the LAST day of the month, you will select the winner(s). If you aren’t going to be available on that day of the week or that particular date, DON’T agree to lead that month.
- On at least one other day during the second or third week of the month, create a post related to the lotto block–it could be about your inspiration (for block or color/fabric combination), it could be quilt design ideas for using the lotto blocks in a quilt or for using the block pattern for your own projects.
One more thing … although the majority of survey takers said they didn’t need/care for a quilt design or quilt-along, I got inspired anyway and designed a quilt for next year’s blocks. to make this quilt, we’ll need 4 of each month’s block. I have also created a page with more information: Sampler Quilt 2019
That looks like an interesting setting, thanks Sophie!
The setting is based on a photo of a not-album quilt taken at a quilt show–I’ll share all the details next month. I included it so that anyone who’d like to lead a month of the Block Lotto might envision how 4 of their proposed block would look in this setting.
Sophie, I’ll be a Block Mom in 2019. Put me in whatever month you want, except July , April or December. I already have a block in mind.
Yay! Thanks Kathie … I can’t wait to see what you have in mind …