Three Alt 9 patch blocks for donation
Here are my 3 blocks for February. They are all for donation. I really need to get Bonnie Hunters Mystery (Good Fortune) quilt completed. How many of our Block Lotto participants have taken this on too?
Thanks Sophie for your great ideas. Best wishes Margaret Rolfe.

A friend of mine showed her finished Good Fortune top at our quarterly Guild meeeting yesterday, and this spurred me on to add some of the borders. So I had to giggle when I read your post, as it’s puddled in my lap at this very moment, waitng for border number two, as soon as I stop being distracted by the Interwebs!
I am halfway through adding border 3.
My Good Fortune is assembled but somehow the final border did not come out evenly. I need to get back to it — I plan to donate it (when finished!) to a fundriaser this spring.