Blocks Mailed FINALLY

Posted by on May 15, 2019 in sent and received | 1 comment

Today I finally got the Twin Sisters blocks to Peggy and Carol mailed. It was a bit of an ordeal; the USPS online to Canada was not working “at this time” for two days, at least for me. Then I went to a local post office and they had the same problem when they typed in the T1 digits of Carol’s post code. Finally, another post office and terminal was able to get it to work today. Did anyone else have this problem? Granted, it was only two days of waiting, and the rest of the delay in mailing is totally on me. But it was frustrating….. May the Sisters’ travel be smooth from now to delivery!

1 Comment

  1. Your blocks arrived safely in Georgia on Saturday. Thank you. They are beautiful!

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