Tee Hee – May’s Block is Here

This month’s block is a variation of the traditional T block.
Block directions are here:
Modified T
The tag to use for posts about this block is Tee
To make the most efficient use of fabric and technique, we’ll be making it in mirror image pairs from your choice of solid or tone-on-tone fabric + a contrasting light.

Making this block is an exercise in Half-Square Triangle (HST) unit construction. Use the method in the block directions or your own favorite–feel free to tell us about it when you post your blocks.
For more HST info and ideas, download:
Sophie’s Tips for HSTs
(It’s an oldie but a goodie.)
The block pairs are constructed from two fabrics:
Light – Pale fabric of your choice. These could be solids or prints. They should “read” as lights or low volume. Your background could be a single fabric or more, if you are using small scraps or want to create a scrappier block.
Color – A solid or tone-on-tone (TOT) print in your choice of color. It should “read” as solid and have good contrast with your Light fabric.
You may make up to 10 blocks (5 pairs) to enter in the Block Lotto drawing. If you make multiple blocks, you may use the same Light fabric is all your blocks. Each Color fabric should be used in only one pair of blocks.
You’ve already seen this one … I’ll share some others later this month.

That looks like fun! Thanks, Sophie!