Almost Late Again
I suspect that anyone who does not like paper piecing does not use the method I learned from TeresaDownUnder’s blog. Her videos are short and easily understood.
She uses a straight edge or piece of postcard to make folds in the paper pattern, but I have found my tracing wheel (old garment sewing tool) to be even better as it helps to pre-perforate the paper a bit.
By keeping the folded paper for the next piece turned back as you line up the new fabric, you can check whether your new piece is going to cover the area adequately. Such a simple solution to the problem! Surprisingly, I have never seen this folding back method mentioned anywhere else.
Another time saver is not to bother cut “pieces”, but work from bigger chunks. Below is a pic of what I start with, the scored paper, a 5.5″ square cut diagonally for the corners, a generous square for piece #1, and some other “chunks” that were on hand.

I have made 6 blocks for this month in spite of events conspiring to occupy all of my time.