June 10 Liberated Baskets Blocks

Posted by on June 24, 2010 in blocks | 2 comments

Egads…hope I’m doing this right! haha… thanks for holding my hand, sophie. When I hit the send button we’ll see what a good teacher you are! I had to also enlist the aid of my teenage son to figure out how to upload the photo! 🙂
(if it worked, then…yay!… but I’m not sure I will remember what I did, in order to do it again next month!!! haha! 🙂

Here are (hopefully) my blocks for June. Some of the backgrounds look iffy on here, but trust me, they are yellow and/or goldish. What fun to make them! The absence of pattern was very liberating indeed!!!

— thanks for letting me play!


  1. Yay!! Cathy, you did it 😉

    Welcome to the block lotto. Your blocks bring our total-so-far this month to 134 blocks, enough for a THREE WINNER MONTH!

  2. Very cute blocks!

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