Kathy’s Parade-Ready Quilt
When I saw Kathy’s Eclipse quilt (made from her January winnings) on her blog, Kathy’s Quilting Blog, Ijust had ask for permission to re-post it here. I also asked if I could crop it so that it would fill the slider on the home page. Her son is sitting on the quilt, spread on the sidewalk, waiting for the parade to begin. It looks great in the sunshine doesn’t it? And isn’t he adorable?
oh my gosh…is that ever cute!!
I want to know what the heck is in that bag?
Actually, Grower Finisher is for cattle. I LOVE the bag that I won on Julie’s blog. It’s an upcycle thing. The bag is holding his bucket to collect candy, sunscreen, juice boxes… Great bag! Then to top it off there’s room for the rolled up quilt.