Like the Block Lotto and Win Hand-dyed Fabrics

Posted by on January 6, 2014 in block lotto community, giveaway | 34 comments

HanddyedFabricsByElizabethElizabeth joined the Block Lotto last summer.  She recently offered a set of her beautiful hand dyed fabrics for a give-away.  Thank you, Elizabeth!

These are 6 1/2 by 30-inch pieces–about 3 yards of them.  They would make lovely Double Chevron blocks or just about anything else you wanted to make from them. The base fabric she uses is a tightly woven cotton, very much like batik fabric.  The fabrics you win will be similar to these.

Elizabeth shared this with me about her dyeing:

I guess there are a couple of things that are relevant to my dyeing.  I started out as a weaver, back in the 1960’s, and dyed a lot of my own wool and silk for weaving.  Now that I’m a quilter, I still can’t always get the variety of fabrics I like, so dyeing called out to me.  Luckily, I have a long-term friend who is a quilter, too, and her career has been in science.  She does the chemistry and I do the “donkey work”.  We dye 30″ squares (the fabric we buy is 60″ wide) and keep pretty scrupulous records so we can make more of something we really like and use a lot.  The fabric is scoured (washed) before dyeing and after it is dyed, we rinse it and then wash three times in hot water with Orvus.  Then it’s ironed on my ancient mangle.

Here’s how you can earn chances to win.

Every year or so, I ask you all if the Block Lotto needs a Facebook presence.  A couple weeks ago, I (finally) joined Facebook myself and created a page for the Block Lotto. It’s just a start; I am still learning; but it’s there.

Earn ONE chance by liking our new Facebook page.

The Facebook page will have highlights from this site, but is not a replacement or alternate for entering blocks.

If you saw the post on my blog today, you might have read how coming up with the blocks we make is easy for me, but choosing the fabrics/color combinations we use is hard.

Earn TWO chances by leaving a comment with a suggestion for colors you’d like for us to use in a future lotto block.  It can be a repeat of one from the past that you really liked, one of your personal go-to color combinations or something you’ve seen and would really like to try.

Have you made and posted Double Chevron blocks this month? If so, you’ve already earned two more chances.  There are already more than 100 in the drawing for January!

Earn TWO chances by entering blocks in this month’s Block Lotto.

Last, you can earn one more chance by being a follow of this blog.

Earn ONE chance by leaving a comment telling me how you follow the Block Lotto.

Since I’ve jumped into Facebook, I thought I would try something else new for this giveaway and use rafflecopter.  Use the widget below to sign-up and add up your chances to win some of Elizabeth’s beautiful fabric. If you aren’t Already a Block Lotto regular, make sure I have some way to contact you if you win.

(FYI, I took this photo using some bright natural sunlight, so along with seeing the vibrant colors (my goal), you also see shadows.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Couple of my favorite combinations:
    Yellow, Pink, white
    brown, red, green
    blue and yellow

  2. I like blue and yellow too, blue and white, blue and cream. I also liked the batik and off-white/cream we used for the Leaf block last year.
    I will check out facebook shortly. Thanks Elizabeth and Sophie

  3. I have been following Block Lotto for quite a few years. I didn’t participate much in 2013, but am hoping that will change this year.

    • It’s nice to “see” you, Cathy. You know, I never want the Block Lotto to feel like an obligation to anyone and it’s always nice when someone whose been too busy jumps back in again.

  4. oops, fave colour combinations are:
    black, white & red
    blues and yellows
    rainbow colours on white
    jewel colours on black

  5. I follow via email and now via Facebook. I would like to see any combination of colors with a solid black.

  6. I like the following combinations:
    Purple and green
    pink and brown

    I follow by email!!!

  7. Turquoise and Purple.

    Another vote for Blue and Yellow.

    Red, Tan, and Blue.

    (No facebook for me, sorry.)

  8. I follow by e-mail, Sophie.

  9. I’d like to see blue and white, red and white and pink and green. I’ve liked your/our Facebook page and I follow your blog on InoReader. Thanks for what you do for us!

  10. Colors – I have been in a bright mood lately. I saw some fabric the other day that I really liked – turquoise, orange, lime green and sky blue – they looked terrific together! And with black – oooooohhhh. Purple and green is one of my favorites, and I see Mary Jane mentioned that. Lime and raspberry are pretty together, too.

  11. I like blue, purple, red and yellow together.
    I also like dark purple and lime green together with a little pink thrown in for fun.

    I feel no urge to join facebook so I won’t LIKE you there; however, I have your lotto badge/button on my blog so I guess I LOVE you there.

  12. What a great package of fabrics for Elizabeth to offer! They are wonderful colors and I can see them in so many different blocks.

    I haven’t been able to participate over the last few yrs because of grad school and other commitments, but i’m hoping to be able to so again at some point.

    • I should say I could see any of the colors shown in the pic as a part of the lotto blocks. or RWB or B/W…..or…………

  13. It would be fun to do a monochromatic scheme that relied on different shades and values for contrast rather than white or black. How about all blues from the palest powder to the darkest navy and everything blue(ish) in between. I also loved the color scheme from February a few years ago – orange, pink, grey, and cream, I think.

  14. I liked the cool colors from last Sept(?). I have yet to make a quilt with the colors I like the best…natural neutral tone colors like browns etc. the best. Cant wait to work on the monthes block!

  15. I just posted an entire dissertation on selecting colors on your personal blog instead of here. I like classic combos with a tweak. White, gray, yellow then change the yellow into orange or melon, things like that. To get my brain looking at colors differently, I like using a color palette generator because the best color combos come from nature.

  16. I follow the lotto by just checking the website each month. I haven’t had the time to play this past year, but I’ve eagerly awaited the block of the month each month. I hope to be able to play this year. I really like grey and orange such as this one: or this one: I’ve recently completed one of my own in a green and orange combo:

  17. My IRL guild did a modern BOM that was white background with pink and orange. Very pretty!

    I always like black, white and bright !

  18. How about an eggplant purple…Love that color!

  19. I’ve just been making something using blue and gold – that’s always a nice colour combo – I wouldn’t mind seeing it here again!

    I follow the block lotto in my blog reader (I use feedly now) and of course, now that I’ve “liked” it on FB, I’ll be seeing things there, too.

  20. I follow by having a link on my blog which shows when there is an update but I generally only looked on the Home and At A Glance pages, and realized the other day that I was missing lots of blog entries!

    I like Laurina’s suggestion of monochromatic fabrics, I also liked the combination in the Tall Steps (grey, white and own choice). My fabric choices are generally deeper bright and clear colour mixes, very little white and neutrals. Turquoise and hot pink. Pinky reds, light lime green and a medium blue.

    Originally joined FB as it was the only way to see photos of a young colleague’s new-born, but I still don’t quite get FB. Thought it was an age thing, but my mother loves it!

  21. I love lime green, especially with purple. Any bright colors with white, black or gray backgrounds.

  22. I follow block lotto with email and finally figured out how to add it to my feedly app. I have posted my blocks for this month and now about color….
    Blue and orange is my favorite right now. Pink and yellow would be fun to try. As far as picking colors, you could always throw the colored pencils. The two or three that land furthest from you are that months colors.

  23. I follow the block lotto almost daily.
    Color combinations:
    I love
    blue and white
    red and white
    tie-dye batik colors (or just batik generally)
    jewel tones with black (those wonky Christmas trees were fun)
    novelty fabrics?
    green and white or cream
    Christmas combos

  24. Hi Sophie. Your question about following made me remember a secondary NY’s resolution to get my digital life in order. I used to follow Block Lotto by using Google Reader (an RSS feed) that would send updated posts of any blog I follow. I switched to Feedly, but don’t like that as well. Now I am checking the website a few times a month until I get a better solution.

  25. I’m really into monochromatic-scrappy these days — let’s do some all red or all-whatever blocks! If that’s too scary, there’s always the “black & white plus one other color” theme.

    On the other hand, I really do like the gray, brown, purple scheme for this month…

  26. Well, Sophie, you know already that my favorite combo is maroon, orange and yellow. (And, if I was in charge, we’d never use pink or purple.) I like Kate’s idea, too, of the blue and gold. Even better is black and gold.

    I’ve got the blog in several blog readers, but I’ve been mostly using Feedly.

  27. Hi Andrew, I am really attracted to the Quilts you pictured. I had not ever thought of an Orange /Grey combination …I usually go Red or green or even Brown but, these are very good. My son Particularly liked the second one that looked like stone but, then he trained in Masonry. His comment was, ‘boy wouldn’t it be cool to have one that looks like a stone wall, with coins and everything’ Anyway Andrew I like your choices.

  28. This Community is wonderful thank you for all your creative and beautiful Block designs Jean-Sophie they are a lot of fun to learn! I am so glad that I came to play with everyone. As for Colour well I am very attracted to Oranges , Reds and Greens presently but, I love it all…Bring it on , I’ll enjoy making whatever is chosen…Happy in quilt block Heaven!

  29. Hi Sophie, In a comment somewhere, someone mentioned your “master plan” for the year (a modular quilt design) and you mentioned that you might be doing a general post on that. If you do that, can you make some suggestions/give some hints about how many fabrics might be suitable if one is doing a sample quilt (or whether we should have a background fabric?

    (I realize that you’ve already told us you find the color choices challenging.)

  30. Personally, I DON’T DO FACEBOOK! I like Block Lotto, in part, because I can access it without being on Facebook, and am frustrated by the number of things that seem to require it these days. Hope this is just an addition, and not the beginning of a change of format. I would really miss Block Lotto.

    I use lots of bright (usually scrappy mix) colors with black, cream, or white, and I do a lot of nature inspired quilts, greens, browns, blues, yellows and oranges. Lately, thanks to an interest of my daughter’s, I have made a couple of projects in a blue and brown color palette, with a touch of orange. I like the blue/yellow or blue gold suggestions, too.

  31. grey

  32. love neutral natural colors but don’t get to use those colors often. I usually give my quilts away. follow block lotto by daily email. thanks for the opportunity!

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