More May blocks from Mary C in WA
I noticed that I had turned a few blocks wrong and had to make more to Swap. There is a definate way they go and I was sewing willy-nilly. I have a total of 6 Blocks to put in this months Lotto that are the “right” way. The rest will go in the Charity quilt for my Guild. These blocks are so addictive. I have more strips that I could use to make more, but I have to restrain myself. This picture shows all 6 that I will send to the Winner. I have quite a stack of leftover HST blocks that I’ll use in the Charity Quilt border.
Some of the Gold and Gray is not as prominent but it is in there…
I actually double checked Bonnie's directions and are NOT specific about the placement of the light triangles and so *I* concluded that there really isn't a right or wrong way to put the blocks together and that we might see both variations in our lotto blocks. As long as the "logs" are added as described, what I would describe as the courthouse steps variation of a log cabin, where you add a log to one side of the block and then the opposite side of the block, and your white squares form a diagonal across the block, it is OK. I didn't scrutinize the blocks posted on your blog, but I suspect some of the "willy nilly" blocks are OK, too.
I've updated your number of blocks on the list.