Let’s Blog About Fabric

Posted by on April 1, 2014 in block lotto community, Linky Party | 2 comments

OneYardTooMan2yLately, I’ve been thinking about my fabric stash and how little fabric I’ve had to purchase lately because I can almost always find what I need in my own fabric collection. I know some quilters that buy fabrics for a specific project and toss or give away the left-overs … but I suppose I am closer to the ladies in the cartoon.

How about you?  Do you have a fabric stash?  When you start a new project, do you turn to your stash,  grab your car keys and head to your local fabric store, or let your fingers do the walking and shop online?  Do you keep track of fabric coming in and being used? Do you have limits or goals when it comes to acquiring or using fabric?

This month, let’s blog about fabric.  You might blog about a favorite fabric line or fabric designer, how you choose fabrics for a project, how you organize fabrics in your stash … or some other fabric-related topic of your choosing.

Blog about fabric and link your post below.  I almost wrote, blog about your relationship with fabric … but I realize that I might seem a little like this panhandling woman.

125_panhandling4fabricsource: Pickledish 


  1. Well, I have always found selecting the fabric for a project to be the most fun, and when I was a garment sewer (in my 20s), I had already accumulated a lot of fabric and patterns that never even made it to the cutting table (like at least a large tub worth). (unfortunately a lot was synthetic or wool blends). Then came children and Halloween costumes (more synthetics), and then my Girl Scout leader years (mostly craft stuff, sequins, beads, glue, etc.).
    Then 5 years ago or so I started quilting, and one of the first classes I signed up for was based on Pat Spaeth’s Nickel Quilts, and the pattern called for scrappy darks and lights, so right off the bat I had to buy lots of smaller pieces to get enough variety (I actually spent a day cutting 5″ charms the day before the workshop so that I would have all the squares called for – I think we only made two blocks during the workshop, and I didn’t finish the quilt until a year or so later).
    But the fabric buying habit begain, and I have tons of it (well, probably 200-300 pounds, I bet.). I do shop my stash (but some of it is offsite in storage), but I also head to the LQS, the J-store (I buy remnants regularly), order on-line, and do on-line swaps. (I’m in the middle of about 5 swaps for fabrics ranging from postage stamp to 5×10 blocks. After thinking about the time and postage, I think that fabric swaps are really not cost-effective. By the time you add in postage, just buying a charm pack would be as cheap.

    I also collect novelty fabrics for I spy quilts, and that is a never ending quest. I have two more quilts for a great nephew and great niece and then someday grandchildren, but I probably have enough novelty squares for that.
    So I need to spend time organizing what I have instead of shopping. But I probably won’t! LOL

  2. Inexperience an interesting phenomenon. I have a ton of fabric. But I love it. And I find it difficult to cut into it. It takes a lot to get me to a place in my mind where I can slice up a precious piece. I do, though love to shop online, and I look for sales wherever I go. When we travel, I always find local quilt shops and buy something local.

    I am getting better…..I am learning to us what I have!!!! .

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