Scrappy Strips
Oh what fun – and so quick to create. Three blocks for now. My pieces came from the pile of off-cuts that sits in a small square Ikea box just behind my sewing machine. I collect up everything whilst busy with various projects, and then when full take this box to my weekly quilt group and sort and cut up, and re-sort into usable squares, blocks, strips, strings and scraps, and finally dog-bag bits (perish the thought of of sitting at home alone doing this tedious task). The box has a zip across the base so it folds flat when empty. And darn, we don’t have Ikea in South Africa, so I think this was bought in Australia when visiting my sister.
I see pieces in this block from a recent project – a table runner as a Christmas gift, from backings and some from last month’s Lotto Blocks. Karen N in Cape Town.
I feel your “missing IKEA” payn … there are none in New Mexico either 🙁