Which Do You Prefer?

Posted by on February 11, 2016 in block lotto community | 2 comments

Poll_votebox-1024x768For January and February, we have made/are making blocks where the main fabric color is pretty narrowly defined–Blue or Purple in January, Brown in February–and there is more variation of colors allowed in the light backgrounds.  I have always loved scrappy backgrounds in all kinds of quilts and was thinking of continuing this kind of fabric guideline for the background in upcoming blocks, but … what do you think?


How do you feel about scrappy backgrounds?

pollcode.com free polls


There aren’t a lot of choices here–I really just wanted to take the pulse of the group.  If you have your own ideas about interesting background colors/combinations that you’d like to see in future lotto blocks, please share in the comments.


  1. I believe everything you come up with looks pretty darn good but, I really love the scrappier ones! If you stop and think about it though, even the two colours end up with a scrappy outcome because everyone choses slightly different prints and shades so for me every choice is a winner!

  2. Does my vote count if I hate the term low volume? LOL Scrappy works in everything, I think.

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