And the Violet Bouquets Go To …

Posted by on March 31, 2016 in housekeeping | 5 comments

We ended the month with 222 Violet blocks–enough for five winners. 20 of those were donated without chances, which left 202 names in the drawing.

The first two winners will receive a set of 48 blocks; the other three will receive 42 beautiful violets.

The result from the integer generator from





Two of the numbers were assigned to the same person, so a replacement was selected:




All these lovely randomly generated numbers mean that the violet bouquets go to:



Karen N.  (48 blocks)

Glenna (48 blocks)

Kristin (42 blocks)

Erin (42 blocks)

Karen L –  (42 blocks) #NewbieLuck


Congratulations to everyone.  The winners will receive email from me later today, verifying mailing addresses and asking how many of your own blocks you’d like to keep.  As soon as I’ve heard from our five winners, I’ll put together the mailing info for everyone so we can send our violets on the way.


  1. So Sorry I couldn’t get my blocks posted today. I am a first time participant and I could not get to the screen to post my blocks. Well, I now have some lovely violet blocks to use and …Maybe next month.

    • I see that someone registered on the site with the same email address as you but a different last name, but I couldn’t find any email from you with your mailing info. Look for email from me about what you need to do to be ready for the next time.

    • FYI, I have sent two separate email messages to you–one about what you still need to do to join the Block Lotto and the other about the additional comment you asked me to delete.

  2. Yippie!! Can’t wait to get these beautiful flowers in the mail.. Congrats to all the other winners also… So excited…..Once more YIPPIEEEEE!!!

  3. Congratulations to all the winners!! Roses are red, violets are blue, we are all, very happy for you!

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