User Account Clean-up

Posted by on May 14, 2016 in housekeeping | 1 comment

happy-young-woman-cleaning-and-dancing-with-mop-an-bucket-vector-cartoon-illustration-270047714Every month or so, I scan through all the new accounts that have been created and remove those that don’t look like real people.

This morning, I deleted close to 900 accounts.

One of the site plug-ins used to do a good job of auto-magically putting the spammer/hacker accounts into a special bucket … but apparently spam-bots and hackers are getting smarter, so now I have to scan through the list and manually delete anything that doesn’t seem to be genuine.

NOTE: this clean-up didn’t touch any of the AUTHOR accounts here.

If you are a quiet follower who created a default SUBSCRIBER account and find I have deleted it, the best way to prevent that is to follow the guidelines for creating an account and setting up your profile, which you can find here:

First Things First – Setting Up Your Account

1 Comment

  1. Just wanted to let you know once again, how much I appreciate all the work you do for Block Lotto. I have enjoyed being part of it for almost three years now. You are a very special person for doing this.

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