The Internet of Things

Posted by on October 23, 2016 in housekeeping | 11 comments

If you have been reading my comments or have reached out to me, you know that I had a worst ever reaction (to cleaning products) after my previous landlord decided to illegally storm my house before I was out, bring in a carpet cleaning company and–essentially–poison me.   I had just found enough energy last week to start seriously unpacking, including my computer, so I could plug in and start getting caught up with life (and the Block Lotto!) when my internet service stopped.

I spent every afternoon/evening last week racing home to check to see if my DSL service had been fixed, then spending hours on the phone with a long string of people at the provider to try to understand why not.

I’ve had a week to think about how the Internet of Things is usually pretty wonderful … until you don’t have internet.

On Thursday, someone finally agreed to send someone out … and told me I’d have to wait 10 days for an appointment.  After I threatened to cancel and go to a competitor, they “squeezed me in” yesterday … which meant I didn’t know WHEN they would come, but they would probably come sometime …  When the tech came, he found that when the installer for the apartment next door was here, he likely unplugged my “wires” at the pole.

dscn1165So, here, I am three weeks later … unpacking and setting up my computer on my new little desk–among other things I disassembled, moved and reassembled my old desk before realizing it was too big and had to be disassembled again so I could get it through the narrow doorway into this room.  in a corner of what will be my sewing space. and will be (finally) catching up with all of you.

My Block Lotto to do list looks something like this:

  • Contact the September winners and then get the Mailing info for our Barn Door blocks out to everyone who made them.
  • Answer the questions that you’ve posted about our Dresden fan blocks and update the at-a-glance page with the current list of blocks
  • Create the block pattern for NOVEMBER so that I can send out the sneak peek–probably not tomorrow, as I should, but as soon as I can.
  • Create a REAL block pattern for the Dresden Fan block, with bonus information about appliqué options.  When this one is ready, it will be FREE (with a set-your-own-price option).
  • Get busy playing catchup with my sampler quilts.  I really want to be able to finish at least one of them for show & tell before the end of the year.

Have I left anything out?

It feels good to be “back.”  Now if I could just find a place for all my books and find the missing kitchen box, it would almost feel like home.


  1. I am soooo glad you are starting to sound like your usual efficient self! xxx Karen N.

  2. Nice to have you back!

  3. I was afraid something awful had happened to you. Chemicals in the air can be deadly. You know it, but many don’t. I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.

  4. Please take your time with all these things on your list, Sophie. Somehow the world will continue turning, the sun will rise and set, and we’ll all be fine if it doesn’t all happen in your ideal time frame.

  5. Welcome back! Glad to read things are finally coming together for you.

  6. I agree with all the above. We are happy you are on the mend. You do us a super continues favor. We should be patient.
    May that former landlord be lucky enough not to experience ever what he did to you. Blessings to you!

  7. My gosh, Sophie, if something CAN happen, it does, doesn’t it? I’m so glad you’re back online, and that you’re getting unpacked.

  8. How are the cats doing in your new place?

    • The cats are adapting … As are some of the neighborhood cats who used to come visit the former tenant and don’t understand why I won’t let them in …

  9. Oh when it rains…….IT POURS!!!!! Yes, that internet thang is a wicked master!! I’ve not been participating as I’ve had serious health issues this summer but I’m happy to report that I seem to be back on the track to healthfulness again!! Thanks Goodness for Blood Pressure Pills!!! I tried so hard to avoid having to take them and I did manage to stave them off for 4 years plus, but as the doctor said, “You just can’t fight your genetics.”

    I hope you get all your many ducks in a row real soon! Thanks for all that you do!!

    p.s. I finally took possession of my Block Lotto Block winnings from the Bulls-eye month and I’m working on an arrangement. They are so very pretty up on my design wall. I’ll post a photo when I can get around to it.

  10. So glad you’re doing better, Sophie! Block lotto is not exactly one of those urgent things for any of us, so take your time. Any chance of you getting compensation from your previous landlord for what he did? You did say what he did was illegal. How’s your new location and your new job?

    I haven’t made any blocks in a while, but I love this month’s block! (The colors, you know.) I cut them all out last week, but didn’t have a chance to start sewing until today, so missed the sneak peek.

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