Greenery Puzzles

Posted by on February 12, 2017 in blocks | Comments Off on Greenery Puzzles

Three blocks from me for the draw.  I enjoy making flying geese blocks, and I used two methods this time, first using the Easy and Companion Angle rulers and then the stitch and flip squares.   No extras with the ruler cut pieces, but scored 32 bonus half-square triangles with the flipped squares! I find it curious how the same solid green used in the top two blocks seems to change shade, just a tad, with the different backgrounds and other fabric.

It brings to memory of many years ago when working for a zip manufacturer, sample dyed zips were sent to a very fussy major clothing retailer for colour approval and were rejected,  and then when the very same samples were sent a second time, they got approved (I was in accounts, nothing to do with sales or production!).

Karen N.

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