Something to Think About
81 of you have taken the survey that I posted a week ago. THANK YOU.
I will leave it open through the weekend, so if you haven’t had a chance to share your opinion, please find time for this quick, 5 question survey: Block Lotto in 2018?
I promise I will share ALL the results soon, but in the meantime … for the 12 of you who said that you would like to create a block pattern and lead the Block Lotto for at least a month, I would love for you to start thinking about choosing a block and a month next year to lead us.
As you can see in the list below of some of the responses to the question, “What would you like to see most,” there are a wide range of suggestions and someone will love whatever you plan:
- Standalone blocks, rather than a series. Love it when they form secondary patterns, but that’s not a deal-killer.
- Interesting AND easy blocks
- Pieced blocks
- Learning different techniques
- I like blocks which are fairly quick to make and which can be made from things I probably have on hand…
- Continued emphasis on stash-busting ideas
- Ideas and new interpretations of classic blocks
- Row by row quilts using a combination of blocks in every row.
- More as before. As I said in a comment, I like how you challenge us to use certain colors and make blocks that are a bit traditional and a bit mod, and a lot of fun.
- Love the modern block designs!
- Consistency and patterns that could work together.
- Traditional patterns that I haven’t thought of in a long time.
- Different blocks the same size
- Simple blocks
- Blocks made without teal! JK-I’d like to see blocks that are a bit different but not yet ‘modern.’
- Swapping ideas
- Liberated blocks!
- Blocks that aren’t to technical. Classic stuff.
- Teaching me new techniques
- I prefer piecing, but it doesn’t have to be paper-pieced.
- Slightly larger blocks… about 9″ or so?
- Any free patterns that are easy & quick to make
- I like a variety of blocks. I don’t think they need to go together into a quilt. In other words. Keep it simple and make the blocks challenging at times
- Simple blocks that are quick to make.
- Loved the wide variety of fun techniques over the years — I especially enjoyed the houses with people and things in the windows, the elongated churn dashes, the scrappy stars, the split circles, the baskets, — enjoy seeing a trasdional block made differtnly ins ize or proportions or using innovative fabric-pairing. I like ALL the patterns/blocks you’ve set up for us to do over the several years I’ve been a member and have sent in almost each month to the winners. So, not much in the way of new directions for you to find as I’ve loved it all
- I really like the blocks to be makers choice of colorways. Any blocks are fine.
- When I win, I use the blocks to make charity quilts, so something colorful. Bigger blocks rather than 6 inchers so I don’t have to make so many myself to make a twin size quilt. Maybe a few blocks and colors that would appeal to boys & men rather than mostly girls and women.
- Modern designed blocks in different sizes that are easy to construct
- More scrap blocks.
- More of the same. Loved the variety of blocks and the fun of just making a few then later seeing a whole quilt made from all the submissions.
- Modern design
- I really enjoyed the years with more random designs. Especially really scrappy designs like the Bonnie Hunter Around the World block that we did that
- Just had the center diagonal color to unify the blocks. At the other extreme I loved the blocks that are just one color and white. Planning for a year end sampler is a cool idea.
- I can go traditional, modern, even applique. I think good to have a single block size for the year.
- Fresh ideas, with some challenging techniques.
I said I would lead for a month. I can be reached at
Deana, look for email from me.
I’ve loved every one of the previous Block Lotto blocks and colors but unfortunately have had major surgery end of August and am currently in the beginning of 16 chemotherapy treatments with delays due to low white blood counts. So at the most, I may be able to make and send some of the blocks as they are posted and as I am able.
Karen, thanks for your comment and the update on you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you face this new challenge.