Another Lotto Inspired Quilt

Posted by on August 4, 2010 in show and tell | Comments Off on Another Lotto Inspired Quilt

Mary–who recently rejoined the Block Lotto–emailed these photos to me just before my move . . . and I realized this morning, I never posted them.  (Sorry, Mary.)

She made Watermill blocks for the lotto in September 2005.  She didn’t win, but because her mother loved the blocks, she made some duplicates and others and put together this quilt

I know I sound like a broken record when I say that if you didn’t win blocks you wanted, you can make some for yourself  . . .  but here’s a beautiful example of someone who did exactly that 😉

I love the fabrics in this quilt and the pieced border.  It looks translucent, like stained glass.  (And the quilting is VERY nice, too).

Thanks for sharing it with us.

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