Wonky Village

Posted by on January 21, 2011 in show and tell | Comments Off on Wonky Village

I wanted to give you all a progress report on my wonky houses.  I’ve created a wonky village.  I added some trees to the batch to offset the houses some.  Then I went looking for a green that was on the bluish side for the grass to compliment the turquoise skies and dark enough to anchor the rows.

Then I used “stepping stones” to add the names of all the people who contributed to this quilt.  Since one of the requirements of the block was using white and red, I used those colors for the border and I think it works to tie the whole thing together. All that’s left to do is the back and binding….I’m thinking a scrappy turquoise…what do you think?

All I can say is I love it!  Thank you all.

Janet S.

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