A couple of Lotto-Inspired Finishes
I made my “super rectangle” table topper my Friday Night Sew In project and managed to quilt 28 different designs, inspired by Leah Day’s Free Motion Quilting Project, into the 27 rectangles.
It was fun to play with the different designs … and discover that I’m better at free-motion-quilting circles than I would have imagined. I’m sure some of these designs will find their way into other quilt projects.
Over the weekend, I added the binding and also finished work on the pillow cover that is made from three liberated basket blocks (like those we made last summer). It’s sitting on the kitties’ window seat because the purpose of the project was to cover a worn pillow that both cats adore.
I suppose the moral of this story is that you don’t need a whole bunch of blocks to make something interesting 😉