Updated Bird Block Directions

Julie recently blogged about a project using the bird and heart blocks from earlier this year … and I learned that I had misspelled the name of the woman whose tutorial inspired the block. I corrected her names in the attribution and uploaded the new bird directions: Bird Block Directions – V2 There’s no change in the directions, just the name correction. In any event, if you happen to save the links to the patterns,...

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Tall birds quilt done

Tall birds quilt done

Just sharing my tall birds quilt with everybody.  I used at least one block from everybody, and there is a label on the back that tells where they all came from.  I have a few blocks left, which I am already planning to use in a second quilt.  Thanks Sophie, for making this possible, and to everybody who sent these fun blocks to...

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recent progress on UFOs using Sophie birds

recent progress on UFOs using Sophie birds

                            The first two photos above are pics of work in progress on the Lori Holt Row along, featuring a row of Sophie birds from a couple of months ago. (I haven’t done the white sashing so just laid these rows on some white fabric).   At first I was going to have the birds facing the center, but when I began sorting them, I realized they sort of...

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Bird Trap w/Block Lotto Birds

Bird Trap w/Block Lotto Birds

The April 2013 Birds segued perfectly with the project I was working on- a block swap oh-so-loosely based on the Bird Trap quilt in the Belger Arts Center collection.  The completed quilt has been boxed & shipped to QuiltFest in Jacksonville but I had to do some pre-show sharing. Here are the birds in detail.  Some of them, anyhow.     & this is the whole megillah.  ...

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Birds almost all here…

Forgot to say, until reminded by Sophie’s mailing instructions for the geese, that my last-but-one set of birds arrived over the weekend, from Pat K.  Only one more to go and then I’ll have my full flock…  These blocks are wonderful, I’m really looking forward to doing something with them. Someday. In the fullness of time, lol.

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