More blocks arrived this week

This past week I received blocks form Christa, Linda and Rachel.  They are all just so perfect!  I just need to receive the blocks that Mariella has sent and I will have them all.  Thank you so much for the great animals that will be used for two kids quilts That I will donate.

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Pets have arrived in GA

Just got back from my weeks visit in MA and NJ.  When I arrived last night I  had a stack of envelopes to open.  I have received a most amazing batch of animals.  The are even better in 0erson then in the posting.  I have received blocks from Karen, Laurie, Julie, Laura, Deborah, Tobin, Helen, Kathy, Su and Barb and we are only half way thru the month.  Thank you to everyone for all for sharing your pets.

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Calico Cat arrived from FL

A wonderful cat arrived in today’s mail from Karen.  The first of my blocks to arrive by mail.  (Laurie handed me her 3 blocks the other night. Looking forward to all the  animals I will be receiving and I know what i am going to do with them.

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Three more Fish for the Aquarium

Three more Fish for the Aquarium

Here are three more fish from me for this month.  That makes a total of four and I think that is going to be it for the month.  Sorry for the poor picture quality but I needed to get this done and didn’t take the time to pay aorund with light etc.  Still trying to finish three UFO’s and then I am taking a trip to MA and...

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Laurie F and Peggy M mailed blocks today

Peggy and Laurie mailed blocks to Robin with expected delivery of Thursday 7/9.  Why it takes three days to get from Georgia to Mississippi I will never know!! Peggy mailed blocks to Debbie with no information about delivery.  Hope they arrive quickly. Peggy hand delivered blocks to Laurie.  Moved them from my quilting table to hers!! Yes I am still in Georgia just can’t leave the grandson.  Off to Massachusetts and New Jersey next...

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My First Fish

My First Fish

Here is fish #1.  I may make an Aquarium full of fish this month! The pattern is from the Row by Row from Pinwheels Quilting & Needlework  Valdosta GA. It was designed by Chris Summers.   It is going to be so much fun to see all the different blocks as they get posted.  Happy Fourth of July to...

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June Plaid Blocks

June Plaid Blocks

Here are my 5 sets of blue plaid blocks.  Like this block a lot but part of that is because I love...

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Blocks Mailed to Elizabeth and Sophie

Just got back from running errands that included a stop at the PO.  I mailed blocks to Sophie and Elizabeth.  I also mailed Laurie’s blocks to Elizabeth.  Hope you both enjoy all your winnings and can’t wait to see what you do with them.  Now on to making more June blocks.

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May blocks

May blocks

Not sure if I will get a few more made so I am posting these for now.  There is another week to this month so maybe I will get a few more done.  Love looking at all the different combinations as they are getting...

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Flowers sent from Laurie and Peggy

Flowers were sent to Barbara, Kim and Maree from Laurie and Peggy.  Maree we sent you one package with a total of 6 flowers–  three from each of us.  Kim and Barbara yours are in two different envelopes.

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April Stars

April Stars

I made these three during the sneak preview and am posting them now.  This will be it for this month from me as I am determined to finish up 6 UFO’s during the next four...

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