Bright Spots for a Grey Day

Bright Spots for a Grey Day

Here are my 6 January blocks. Everything is so cold and grey here that even my bright whites look dingy. While trying to perk up the whites, I seem to have neoned the greens. Actually the top one is a softer bluish green and the second one is a bright lime. All are for donation since I am still waiting for my last February win of Dutchman’s Puzzle blocks to return from the long-arm quilter. Though the flimsy was finished early last...

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The Doubtful Quilter

The Doubtful Quilter

As a blogless, traditional quilter, I have very little experience on the internet and am an amateur in all ways. Nevertheless, I really miss Block Lotto so here is my offer to lead one month. PS: My best skills lie in the computer area. If anyone is in need of diagrams, illustrations, or pdf making to make leading a month easier, I will...

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Almost, Very Nearly, Practically Perfect

Almost, Very Nearly, Practically Perfect

Approaching this block with many misgivings, I set out to conquer it. After the first one came out a bit too small (1/16 is allowable), I increased the large square to 9″, drew horizontal and vertical lines on the back of the 9″ square with a permanent marker, marked the centers of the inserts in the seam allowances on the right side, and though all of them are acceptable, the 6th one was very nearly perfect. The complementary color...

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Some Cacti

Some Cacti

It is busy, busy here, constructing the Dutchman’s Puzzle quilt from the February blocks that I won. Never one to take the easy way out, I am planning tiny little square in a square cornerstones. Wish me luck, no, make that wish me patience! For donation, I have made three cactus pot blocks.  These got easier and easier as I went along and they are so stinking cute! Without the time constraint, I could have made lots...

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Penultimate Pieces

Penultimate Pieces

Received Dutchman’s Puzzle blocks from Teresa in Texas on the 31st. One more to go and I can get started! They are going to be such a bright, happy quilt that even the waiting is fun. Passing by sometimes, I just sort through the pile, admiring all the fabrics and the nice straight edges, and thinking about cornerstones. Tiny pinwheels or tiny QSTs?...

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While I Wait

While I Wait

Here are 2 more Broken Dishes blocks, making a total of 5 for donation from...

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Only Four More

More Dutchman’s Puzzle blocks have been received from Cathy K., Cathy L, Christa, Julie M., Maree, Susan, and Barbara S. Only four more packages until I can start sewing them together! Hurry up, you know I am sitting here with absolutely nothing to work on until then (;-)

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Love my mailman

Love my mailman

Many Dutchman’s Puzzle blocks have already arrived from Ginny, Karen B., Kathie, Kathy S. Marianne, Peggy M, and Nann. Sashing fabric has been purchased already and I am anxious to get started. While waiting, I have made 3 Broken Dishes for donation since I just won. There will be more of these, I have lots of blues. While searching my stash & scraps for some “Greenery” last month, I began to wonder why we never seem to...

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3 Puzzles

3 Puzzles

Only three blocks for my entry this month. Look closely and perhaps you can guess why. In my life as a semi-professional seam ripper, I have developed lots of time-saving techniques. Watch for my book: The Art of the Rip-Out....

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A Problem Solved

A Problem Solved

My favorite quilt style is Scrappy so I was delighted to see this month’s Lotto block continued the made fabric theme.  By January 3rd I had pulled out a mound of red scraps. January 9th came and I was still looking at the same mound. Why couldn’t I get started on what should be an easyblock? It took me three days to make the first heart and another week to make the second one. In the meantime, to avoid that pile of red, I cleaned...

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A Fly on the Wall …

A Fly on the Wall …

…saw many famous designers mingling at Block Lotto last night. Noticed: AMH & KF cozied up harmoniously ; strange partnerships being formed in every corner. Excitement builds as we await the December Finale where a masterpiece of collaboration is the expected...

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