Plaid Receipts

Plaid Receipts

On the Monday following the Plaid9Patch drawing, my mailbox was already stuffed with beautiful blocks. Today there were more and already I have received more than half of them, all different fabrics and different shades of blue. What a great quilt this is going to be. Thanks to Karen B., Laurie, Mary S., Nann, Peggy M. &  both...

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A Modest Success

A Modest Success

Here are my 2 sets and I needed a lot of help from my friend Patience to get this far. She and I are not much more than nodding acquaintances, so she doesn’t visit often and it seems like she used to stay longer. Perspective in the photo has made them look oddly sized, but all came out just a tiny bit over 9.5 inches, much to my surprise.

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Intermediate Quilter vs the Bargello 9

Intermediate Quilter vs the Bargello 9

In Thursday’s Fight of the Month, another out and out brawl is in store for us. Backing the B9 was Evil Bernina (EB), IQ’s nemesis. In the corner for IQ were the well-known duo Spray Starch (SS) and Seam Ripper (SR). Round 1 lasted all afternoon with EB blocking every move, while SR struggled to keep IQ in the ring. After a good bit of cursing (#%@), IQ triumphed in a close decision. Round 2 commenced the next day and lasted almost as long....

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The March Hare has nothing on me!

The March Hare has nothing on me!

Barly in time to enter, after starting early by cutting all pieces for four blocks. A week later, I had 1 reject and 1 barely acceptable arrow, and set it aside until last midnight.  Didn’t someone say these were...

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Size Struggles

Size Struggles

Here are my 12 Big O blocks. I have never been happy with the irregular blocks that I make using regular piecing, so I paper pieced these using a template that I drafted. Does anyone else do...

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