
Mod Mod is Finished!

Posted by on March 27, 2015 in my sampler, show and tell | 4 comments



I’ve finished my MOD MOD! (I call it Wild Thing)

80 x 80

Big stitch quilted with perle #8

More photos and details on my blog post today.

Cathy L in IA

Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting


My ‘first’ Block Lotto Sampler

Posted by on March 13, 2015 in my sampler, show and tell | 17 comments

Liberated Year

I first came across Block Lotto in April 2010, when I was looking for liberated quilting inspiration and found it in Sophie’s blog. Being someone who ‘never’ wins these kinds of things, I decided that I would make blocks of my own around a focus fabric (the purple fabric–which has green and teal vines) while participating in the Lotto. Then I went back and did January/February/March. I think you can see some of my blocks from that year in the Illustrated History. Honestly, I think I could have finished it a year earlier if I hadn’t fell in love with a liberated Sawtooth border in Gwen Marston’s book.

I’ve won 2x since then (just last month in fact), so I can’t say “I never win” anymore! Thanks, Sophie, for bringing Block Lotto into my life!  (Sorry the pictures are so bad.)

Liberated Sampler deck 2

Am I in the drawing?

Posted by on January 31, 2015 in block lotto community | 2 comments

Sophie – I did not receive the Sneak Peek – am I in the drawing this month?  I posted one block.

Double Nine Patch inspiration

Posted by on January 19, 2015 in Inspiration, show and tell | 5 comments

I’m participating in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year. The color for January is blue. This month’s Lotto block was the beginning of my design. Most of the 3.5″ nine-patch blocks came from the Block Swappers.  Thus, three online groups came together in the design of this quilt.

2012 Sampler almost done

Posted by on January 18, 2015 in my sampler | 5 comments

I am still working on the binding but I am excited that it is quilted! If I hadn’t been in a hurry, I might have made the middle slightly different but I had a deadline and I am still very happy with it. The top and bottom rows SHOULD be in order by month since I pinned them onto the design wall as I made them. Added a sleeve to the back just incase I decide to hang it.

Since this was supposed to almost be my first year as a quilter, I am very proud of it. Can’t believe I even attempted some of these blocks but I did and it came out as something I’m proud of. Thank you Sophie, for all the lessons!

Nashville, TN
Photo 20150116173524800

More Double 9-Patch Inspiration (from AQS in ABQ)

Posted by on January 15, 2015 in Inspiration | 3 comments

Look how wonderful and modern this Double 9-patch quilt is. The blocks are set on point and alternated with plain squares.

Updated to add a second photo (that failed when I uploaded it from my phone) to show the detail of the quilting.



I took these photos with my phone … I will replace them with better quality photos taken with my camera after the battery is recharged and I have pulled them off the camera and onto my computer.  In this exhibit there were several quilts that were paired: An antique quilt with beautiful hand-quilting and a contemporary quilt, like this one.

More Double 9-Patch Inspiration

Posted by on January 11, 2015 in block lotto community | 2 comments

I’ve been seeing double 9-patches around blogland.  Besides Dena’s sweet redwork quilt, another quilter from our group, Kathy,  also recently shared a double 9-patch project (which, because I follow her blog, I know she made before the block was announced).  See the Double 9-Patch blocks in the corners of her table topper? Clicking the photos in this post will take you to the blog post where I found them, if you want to read more.

I found this quilt  on the Ivory Spring blog, published in The Quilter some years ago  and more recently in UK’s Popular Patchwork.  I like the use of pinwheel blocks as cornerstones.


You could even do something a little wild … and use double 9-patches as centers for Double Wedding Ring blocks, similar to what’s happening here on Victoria Findlay Wolfe’s design wall.

2222 Lotto Blocks

Posted by on December 29, 2014 in block lotto community | 4 comments

When I added Kate’s blocks to my lotto block-tracking spread sheet, I noticed that we’ve made a total of 2222 blocks in 2014.   I am easily impressed, but that number blew me away and made me smile.

And all of you helped 🙂

2 quilts inspired by the lotto…

Posted by on December 29, 2014 in Inspiration, show and tell | 9 comments

photo (8)

photo (10)


Using blocks from the lotto, I made two quilts. They were started ages ago. One was finished this summer and the other this fall. I am only now getting around to taking photos of the finished quilts. I am not sure how to add the links for the block patterns.

Tall Bird Block Pattern

String Hear Block Pattern

Star-Crossed Block Pattern

I just copied and pasted. I will try to get the correct tags too.

Mod Mod top complete

Posted by on December 24, 2014 in my sampler | 7 comments

I made the December block and was able to put the top all together in a short stop at home. I chose to make a small one because I did want to finish it, and it will be a wall hanging for my living room.

Thank you, Sophie for a wonderful year of trying new blocks. This is my first sampler. Now to quilt it.


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