
2 More Ideas for Helen, Visualized

Posted by on December 23, 2014 in block lotto community | 1 comment

After I probably spent too much time last night cutting up Helen’s photo into virtual blocks, I couldn’t resist creating examples of two approaches to designing a sampler quilt. I promise that I’ll stop now … and get busy working on the sneak peek for tomorrow (yikes!)

In both quilts, I assumed there will be 4 Mug blocks (I used each of Helen’s blocks twice).

The first example is a Medallion-style, very symmetrical layout.  I added one more virtual block in the center, to make a square quilt with a 7 blocks by 7 blocks layout possible–this would measure 63 inches square without any borders.



For the second quilt, I took an approach similar to this year’s Mod-mod sampler.  In this case, I laid out the blocks one 3 x 4 block module at a time.  Then I visually put the 4 modules together.  (It’s that “kitchen sink” feeling that I like, but I know it’s not for everyone …)




Helen, I hope you and Christa have fun playing with the blocks and I can’t wait to see what YOU decide to do with them.

I confess I have a set of these blocks (one of each block pattern) and playing with your blocks made me want to pull mine out and work on my own setting idea … so thanks for that inspiration.

MMQAL sampler flimsy is completed

Posted by on December 23, 2014 in my sampler | 8 comments

Hi everyone

mmqal flimsy upright


My MMQAL sampler flimsy is now completed (even before the end of the year), with a couple of minor modifications to the original pattern.

Primarily for colour balance and excluding inaccurate window blocks. This was a fantastic exercise, all the fabric used was from my stash. Hence the different background fabrics, 4.5 metres of white would have been just enough but only had 2 of white and probably over 2 of the batik lavender. I am thinking of a white border maybe 5 inch. Thanks Sophie for all the hard work in making this such a great Block Lotto year.  Best wishes for Christmas and the upcoming New Year to everyone. Margaret

It’s All Julie’s Fault :-)

Posted by on December 22, 2014 in block lotto community | 5 comments

She made it look like too much fun … and so here’s my first idea for Helen’s blocks (a sampler style setting with each group of 4 blocks sewn into a 4-patch with a neutral colored fabric used for sashing and border).


Helen’s 2013 sampler blocks…

Posted by on December 22, 2014 in block lotto community, Inspiration | 5 comments

sampler a sampler b sampler c sampler d sampler e


I couldn’t help myself, I printed out the picture of Helen’s blocks. (Sophie gave me the idea)  I tried laying them out in different ways. This was fun to do on a cold, rainy morning…waiting for the sun to come up.

2013 Sampler

Posted by on December 20, 2014 in my sampler | 5 comments

Started this sampler in 2013. Each month I made 4 extra for my sampler. Except for the flowers all follow the guidelines. I have 2 more mugs to finish before I sew them together but I am starting to think about placement. Don’t really want to use sashing because I was hoping for a smaller quilt. Goal is to finish this before the month is out. Any suggestions for placement?

Nashville, TN


Big O Module Complete

Posted by on December 20, 2014 in my sampler | 4 comments

Big O module        Big O module 2

I really, really like the addition of the Big O block. I can’t wait to lay it out with the rest of the modules.

I think this module would make a fun quilt.

Mod Mod QA -unit 3 done (Slowly but, surely)

Posted by on December 15, 2014 in my sampler | 4 comments

I am hoping that these big O’s lighten up the quilt…I thought they were a tad chunky when I looked at the pattern but, after actually making them I love them! A Lot!!! I am still working on the Suns…I have the rays sorted out and the 2 pieces together to form a whole Sun but stitching them into the background is still being an issue…pleats and gathers all over the place…I am going to go look for freezer paper again…wish me luck! Only one more unit to sew together when the Suns are done I can hardly believe it!
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Mod Mod QA unit2 done

Posted by on December 15, 2014 in my sampler | 1 comment

When I made the bars I really felt my quilt needed more colour so I replaced the white background Bars with coloured ones…now I realize that I probably should have stuck with Sophies’ design as the background stripes would have let in some light and moved the eye through the block more easily. At this point, I am not going to pick it out and start again but, I do sense a denseness of colour in this block and it comes out heavier then I intended! It sort of pulls my eye into it instead of moving through it. It also makes the block look too similar to the Triangles in a square…Wow I am learning and that’s one of the reasons I’m doing this quilt so bonus! I also realized that I sewed the bars on sideways closing in the centers..maybe that is helping to make the blocks more dense…I really like everything else here…it works! YAY!!!
pics 013

Big O Question

Posted by on December 8, 2014 in block lotto community | 2 comments

Is it acceptable to use holiday fabrics for the Big O? I am working on a few holiday quilts, and some of the leftovers are pretty darn cute. But, I don’t want to use them if people who win wouldn’t like holiday…

Woven bars on my design wall

Posted by on December 7, 2014 in block lotto community | 4 comments

I put most of the woven bar blocks up on my design wall so everyone can see how they look together.  I like the idea of using black sashing because it becomes part of the overall pattern and pulls all the blocks together.  What do you all think? Any suggestions 😉

Again, thank you to the makers for  the  blocks.  I really like they all look together.  I have 13additional blocks I could not fit on this  48″x48″ design wall so it’s going to be a decent size quilt when finished.image

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