Late coming – Scrapy Mod Mod Unit 1
I guess that old saw ‘Better late than never’ would work here. I found each component of this block a challenge in its’ own way. B
eing new to sewing I borrowed a machine and figure out how to use it…the 1/4 inch seam was the hardest thing for me to figure out. The machine I borrowed has a horizontal hole and the needle would just ram the fabric right into that hole and shred it. I figured out now that a little piece of paper along the edges works wonders YAY!
Variations on the X Block
As usual, I’m seeing variations of our Easy X block everywhere. Here are a couple I really like:
Siggie squares made like one of the quarters in the Easy X (use the plain fabric for the X-fabric and sign it when you’re done.

Unattributed quilt photo
Which reminds me … would anyone be interested in a signature squares swap sometime next year? I always wanted to make one of these and would love to have signs from the Block Lotto community.
Bonnie Hunter’s String-X Quilt – directions are here.
Updates, Reminders and a Little Eye Candy
I took my woven bars blocks for Debbie and Nancy to the post office yesterday. Work, weather and life conspired to make me later than I’d like this month … which always makes me feel like I’m telling you all, “do what I say, not what I do.” I promise to be a better example next month.
If you haven’t yet mailed your October blocks, please get them in the mail soon (unless, of course, you’ve been hit by dangerous weather, then please stay safe.)
My birthday came and went, though, at least in my head, I’m still celebrating a little. I’ve loved reading everyone’s comments on the giveaway post. If you haven’t already done so, you have one more week to leave a comment and enter the giveaway for that great basket of goodies.
Birthdays, Celebrations and a Giveaway
I couldn’t help but compare and contrast the facts that in New Zealand, Laurina and her daughter will be going to the zoo for her daughter’s birthday to walk the Cheetahs (which sounds like a fabulous way to celebrate a birthday) … and near me, at the Albuquerque Zoo, in a sad, unbelieveable event, someone recently killed one of their beloved, popular Tasmanian Devils, Jasper, by throwing a chunk of concrete at him.
And, while I have your attention, here’s the promised eye candy. I’ve been playing with last year’s block pattern for the log cabin variation, Steps, for the Modern Quilt Guild’s Michael Miller Spring Couture Fabric Challenge.
I made blocks until I ran out of the challenge fabrics (8 Fat Eighths) and ended up with 49. It has been interesting to see the shapes that emerge with the random fabric placement.
I blogged about my process for making the blocks on my blog here:
I will probably spend a couple days arranging and rearranging before putting them together (and getting them quilted … I’m running out of time)
Mad, mod — or antique!
When I saw this sampler quilt on Barbara Brackman’s blog I thought of the MMQAL.

Elbe Herbert Johnson’s Sampler
Read more about it here:
Update of Sampler MMQAL
Here is an update of my MMQAL except for this month’s Xs. It has helped to see Sophie’s sampler to know how many with white or lavender backgrounds to make. Possibly some minor alterations will be made (backgrounds for some of the windows). It is great to have a tangible record of the year’s blocks as opposed to virtual ones. Margaret
Mod Mod QAL Woven Bars completed!
This doesn’t mean I’m caught up, I jumped ahead because I couldn’t figure out how to get the joined Sun points skinny at the join without needing to take in too much of the background fabric causing it to warp at that same join and not be 14 inches anymore…HELP! I am to have 2 pieces of background fabric right? Now I am thinking maybe it should be 1 piece with the center cut out…
Sophie’s “Almost Done” Sampler Blocks
Here’s what almost done looks like on my design wall. I’m never home anymore when there’s enough natural light in my sewing space … so the photo isn’t the best.
As you can see, this month’s Easy X blocks are used in pairs in my quilt layout. I’ll post the official update with all the layouts this weekend.
More sampler progress
I finally made the Sweet Dreams blocks from September for my blue-and-white sampler. I didn’t notice until I took this photo how “directional” the blocks look: some of them look horizontal or vertical because of the way the colors are arranged. It’s funny what photos of quilts can show you that you don’t see when it’s right in front of you.
Not This Month!
I don’t think I will play this month! I’ve been working on a variation of this block as a Christmas Gift. Just wanted to share mine!